Sample Markdown cheat sheet language


#type your markdown here
You can usebuttons above to format as well.

An h1 header

Paragraphs are separated by a blank line.

2nd paragraph. Italic, bold, and monospace. Itemized lists
look like:

  • this one
  • that one
  • the other one

Note that --- not considering the asterisk --- the actual text
content starts at 4-columns in.

Block quotes are
written like so.

They can span multiple paragraphs,
if you like.

Use 3 dashes for an em-dash. Use 2 dashes for ranges (ex., "it's all
in chapters 12--14"). Three dots ... will be converted to an ellipsis.
Unicode is supported. ☺

An h2 header

Here's a numbered list:

  1. first item
  2. second item
  3. third item

Note again how the actual text starts at 4 columns in (4 characters
from the left side). Here's a code sample:

# Let me re-iterate ...
for i in 1 .. 10 { do-something(i) }

As you probably guessed, indented 4 spaces. By the way, instead of
indenting the block, you can use delimited blocks, if you like:

define foobar() {
    print "Welcome to flavor country!";

(which makes copying & pasting easier). You can optionally mark the
delimited block for Pandoc to syntax highlight it:

import time
# Quick, count to ten!
for i in range(10):
    # (but not *too* quick)
    print i

An h3 header

Now a nested list:

  1. First, get these ingredients:
  • carrots
  • celery
  • lentils
  1. Boil some water.
  2. Dump everything in the pot and follow
    this algorithm:

find wooden spoon
uncover pot
cover pot
balance wooden spoon precariously on pot handle
wait 10 minutes
goto first step (or shut off burner when done)

Do not bump wooden spoon or it will fall.

Notice again how text always lines up on 4-space indents (including
that last line which continues item 3 above).

Here's a link to a website, to a local doc, and to a section heading in the current doc. Here's a footnote [^1].

[^1]: Footnote text goes here.

Tables can look like this:

size material color

9 leather brown
10 hemp canvas natural
11 glass transparent

Table: Shoes, their sizes, and what they're made of

(The above is the caption for the table.) Pandoc also supports
multi-line tables:

keyword text

red Sunsets, apples, and
other red or reddish

green Leaves, grass, frogs
and other things it's
not easy being.

A horizontal rule follows.

Here's a definition list:

: Good for making applesauce.
: Citrus!
: There's no "e" in tomatoe.

Again, text is indented 4 spaces. (Put a blank line between each
term/definition pair to spread things out more.)

Here's a "line block":

| Line one
| Line too
| Line tree

and images can be specified like so:

example image

Inline math equations go in like so: $\omega = d\phi / dt$. Display
math should get its own line and be put in in double-dollarsigns:

$$I = \int \rho R^{2} dV$$

And note that you can backslash-escape any punctuation characters
which you wish to be displayed literally, ex.: foo, bar, etc.

Stephen Powell evoked sincere emotion. [R]eally killing it — from his lanky physique, down to his incredible ability to make his body weak with emotion.
— hMag review of 'The Great Gatsby'
Powell brought life to the troublesome love triangle that haunts Myrtle, George, and Tom...
— hMag review of 'The Great Gatsby'
[The Theater] Barn has [a] strong physical comic in Powell.
— Berkshire On Stage review of 'Don't Dress For Dinner'
[Powell] can time laughs, kill with comic reactions... [he pulls] this off superbly.
— Berkshire Bright Focus Review of 'Don't Dress For Dinner'
[Dionna Eshleman’s] scenes with the finely performed Captain Hastings (Stephen Powell in an excellent performance) were delightful.
— Berkshire Bright Focus review of 'Black Coffee'
The performances range... [to the] more colorful ... especially Stephen Powell’s delightful Hastings.
— The Berkshire Eagle review of 'Black Coffee'
Proof that to be totally satisfying a comedy needs more than a funny premise. ...Highly energetic cast...
— WAMC review of 'You Should Be So Lucky'
Really talented young comic actors. ...Two extraordinary young comedians in Dunlow and Powell...
— Berkshire On Stage review of 'You Should Be So Lucky'
Powell brings a rubber-boned grace to the role. It is a very funny performance with moving moments thrown in for good measure.
— Berkshire Bright Focus review of 'You Should Be So Lucky'